Attention Entrepreneurs who are ready to FINALLY get those projects DONE and off their to-do lists

You have a project you REALLY need to get done. Maybe you need to:

And instead of getting it done, you're —

But whatever the reason, the end result is still the same.


You're not getting what you need to get done to move your business forward.

Not to worry – you’re exactly in the right place right now. Because I've come up with a very special mentorship program designed specifically to help you get that project done so you can start reaping the results.

But first off, if you’re someone who likes to beat themselves up because you’re not getting things done, I want you to stop that right now. Chances are, the reason why you’re not getting that project done has nothing to do with your skills or willpower but because you don’t have the right knowledge, tools or team to get it done.

And that’s where my "Unlock the Copy Code" Love–Based Copy and Marketing Mentorship comes in.

My name is Michele PW, and I’ve known as Your $Ka–Ching!$ Marketing Strategist. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure and honor of working with some of the top entrepreneurs in our industry, including:

So, as you can imagine, I know a thing or two about a thing or two. And you probably would love to be able to tap my knowledge and experience to help your grow your business.

BUT…you probably think there’s no way you could afford me. Or you’re not "ready" yet.

Well, I’m here to tell you that simply isn’t true.

You see, what I’ve built is a copywriting company (copywriting is writing promotional materials, nothing to do with protecting intellectual property or putting a copyright on something). I have a team of copywriters and project managers who I’ve trained to provide you with copywriting that gets you results while still keeping it affordable.

But for some of you, you’re still not sure. So, I decided it was time to come up with a leveraged, group way to provide you with expert copy and marketing help to get you where you need to be in your business.

"Unlock the Copy Code"
Love–Based Copywriting & Marketing Mentorship

This is a 6–month mentorship and consulting program that ALSO includes a way for you to get copy written.

Here’s how it will work.

Month 1 — We start with a plan. What do you need to get done? We’ll help you put a plan together so you can get your project done.

Months 2 through 6 — We help you execute that plan. How do we do that? By making sure you have the right knowledge, tools and team at your disposable. For instance:

Now, in addition to all of the above, there are 2 levels to "Unlock Your Copy Code":

Level One — Do–It–Yourself copy training. This is for you if you want to learn to write your own copy. You’ll get:

Level Two — Done–For–You copy training. This is for you if you really would just prefer someone else write your copy.

You’ll get everything in Level One PLUS we’ll write 6–8 copy pieces for you. (Not including sales letters or ebooks/special reports). Copy pieces include emails, affiliate emails, website pages, opt in pages or any combination of the above.

Listen to what Brian Tracy has to say about Michele PW's copywriting services

So what’s the investment?

Just to recap, I designed this mentorship program so you have access to all the marketing and copy help my high–end retainer clients get. You’ll be able to get all of your marketing and copy questions answered (not to mention also get some of your copy done for you if you choose Level 2) but at a fraction of the cost.

Level One is $497/ month

Level Two is $697/month

I probably don’t have to mention how much money you’ll free yourself up to make once you do get that project off your to–do list — and the peace of mind you’ll most likely feel once it’s done.

Now, you probably have some questions, so let me answer some of the top ones.

Q: How does "Unlock Your Copy Code" mentorship compare to other mentorship and coaching programs out there?

A: There are many excellent coaching and mentorship programs that provide in–depth business–building training. That’s not what I’ve put together. "Unlock Your Copy Code" is designed around you actually getting something DONE.

I want you to join this program with an actual, specific marketing project in mind, and during the course of the 6 months, we’ll work together to give you the knowledge, training and maybe even the copy to finish and launch it. In fact, because it’s such a specific get–it–done program, it would compliment any other high–end program you’re in.

This is all about you getting a project done so you can start getting results. That’s it.

Q: Do I need to take the full 6 months or can I move faster?

A: You can move as fast or as slow as you want. In fact, if you’re super motivated, you can get multiple projects done in the 6 months. It’s really up to you.

Another way you can use the mentorship is to also get feedback on how you can test and tweak your copy and marketing to get better results. For instance, let’s say you’re launching a new program. You can spend the first 4–5 months creating the materials and actually launching it, then the last 1–2 months debriefing what happened and seeing what you could do to improve your results for next time.

Q: How do I know if your mentorship is right for me?

A: Do you have a specific marketing project you need to get done? For instance:

Then this is exactly for you. You’re going to get specific training and accountability around your specific project.

Now, if you’re looking for a mentorship program that covers more general business–building topics, then this isn’t the right program for you.

Q: Will I have access to you?

A: Yes, you’ll have access to me along with other marketing and copy strategists, so you’ll have a lot of ways to get your questions answered.

Q: What is Love–Based Copy and will you teach me how to write it?

A: A lot of traditional direct response copy is based on triggering fear–based emotions (fear, guilt, shame) which is why so much of it feels icky, sales–y and inauthentic.

But, you can choose to access love–based emotions instead, so you attract, inspire and invite your ideal prospects to become ideal clients. (I wrote a best–selling book "Love–Based Copywriting — How to Write Copy that Attracts, Inspires and Invites Your Ideal Prospects to Become Ideal Clients" that discussed this.)

Yes I will definitely be teaching you how to write love–based copy.

Q: What if I just want to get my copy written?

A: We would be happy to just write your copy for you. Just reach out to my team at and we’ll take care of you.

Ready to get your project off your to–do list?

Yes Michele! I would love to get that pesky project off my to–do list and join your "Unlock Your Copy" Love–Based Copy and Marketing Mentorship.


  • A customized plan depending on what you want to get done.
  • Accountability and consulting to help you get your project done.
  • Up to 2 info products
  • A group Q&A call each month
  • Access to the private Facebook group
  • Step–by–step love–based copywriting trainingK
  • Opportunities to get your copy critiqued throughout the mentorship

Add to Cart   $497/month

OR add 6–8 copy pieces written for you for $697/month (not including special reports/ebooks or sales letters)

Add to Cart   $697/month

Note about guarantee — due to the personalized, done–for–you nature of this program, I can’t promise a no–questions–asked guarantee. But what I CAN promise is I want you to be delighted with what we’ve delivered. So if you’re not, we want to hear about it. Just reach out to my team and we’ll be happy to hop on the phone to talk about it and see if we can come up with a win–win. Fair?

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I can’t wait to help you get your projects off your to–do list!

Michele PW


Love and success,

Michele PW
Bestselling Author of Love-Based Copywriting Books

Michele PW


P.S. Still have questions or just want to have a chat? We’re here for you! Just reach out to or call 877–754–3384 x0 and we’ll set up a time to hop on the phone with you.

Lisa Sasevich“I just wanna give a huge shout–out, and a huge thank you, to Michele PW and her amazing team for the difference that they´ve made in our marketing over the last two years. Michele and her team have done an amazing job at pulling together the copy, really helping us as a team member, with formulating our offers and our marketing plan, and I´ll tell ya, I wouldn´t wanna do it without her. I hope I never have to. I really want to recommend that you contact Michele and have her pair you up with the perfect team member who can take all that copy that bogs you down — you know it´s a labor of love — and provide you exactly what you need and help you maximize both on and offline sales.”

Lisa Sasevich
The Queen of Sales Conversion

Ali Brown“Working with Michele PW was such a relief because she GETS direct response copywriting. She knew what I was looking for and was able to deliver. With her help, we had record-breaking numbers for one of our campaigns. I highly recommend Michele if you´re looking for copywriting that gets you results.

Ali Brown
Founder of Alexandria Brown International

Melanie Benson Strick“As an entrepreneur who studies marketing, I know how much time and energy it takes to write copy that sells. Finding Michele PW was like finding the missing link in my bottom line. In just one 2–day campaign I made $4,567 from two emails she wrote. Michele also helped me position my live event in a way that I never could have done alone – and new people came because of what they read about. That event alone generated over $50k in revenue. Michele is an essential part of my team and I recommend her to my clients regularly. If you want to have more clients and sales, I suggest you hire a great copywriter – Michele PW!”

Melanie Benson Strick

Kendall Summerhawk“Thanks to your eagle eye and copywriting changes to ONE simple email I increased registrations for my “Give Your Pricing a Kick-in-the-Pants” Virtual Workshop Intensive by 20%! That´s money that went straight into my bank account!”

Kendall Summerhawk
Author, "How to Charge What You´re Worth and Get It!"

Linda H. Hunt“With Michele´s expert copywriting and marketing help, we´re averaging an 8% conversion rate! Considering that 1% is typically considered really good by industry standards, we were blown away by the results.”

Linda H. Hunt

About Michele

Michele PWWhen Michele was 3 years old, she taught herself to read because she wanted to write stories so badly.

As you can imagine, writing has been a driving passion throughout her life. She became a professional copywriter (which is writing promotional materials for businesses), which led to her founding a copywriting and marketing company that has sold nearly $50M worth of products and services over the past 8 years.

She’s the author of the bestselling “Love-Based Business” series of books, which includes “Love-Based Copy,” “Love-Based Online Marketing,” “Love-Based Money and Mindset” and “Love-Based Goals.” These books share how you can sell more with love and build a solid, profitable business on a foundation of love versus a foundation of fear.

In addition, she’s also a bestselling fiction writer (she’s published 2 psychological thrillers/suspense/mystery novels and has a new 3–book series due out summer of 2018) and holds a double major in English and Communications from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Currently she lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband Paul and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

Creative Concepts & Copywriting LLC
Phone/Fax: 877-754-3384
PO Box 10430 Prescott, Arizona 86304

©2008 - 2024 Creative Concepts & Copywriting LLC
MichelePW™ is a Trademark of Creative Concepts & Copywriting LLC